ZanFast Ferries offers reliable, fast, and comfortable ferry services with multiple daily departures and scenic routes across the Indian Ocean.

Head Office, Malindi Zanzibar, Tanzania. P.O.Box 271
Time remaining: 05:00
Warning: Please read carefully before making a payment.
  1. Pay using the QR Code below.
  2. Enter the Transaction ID received via SMS in the field below.

⚠ Your booking will not be valid if this process is not completed.

Scan QR Code

Payment QR Code
Airtel Money Payment Instructions
Maelekezo ya Malipo - Airtel Money
  1. Dial *150*60#
  2. Select 5 for Pay Bills
  3. Select 1 for Pay via Phone
  4. Select 1 for Airtel or Enter Payment Number "14888889"
  5. Enter Amount:
  6. Enter PIN
  1. Piga *150*60#
  2. Chagua 5 Lipa Bili
  3. Chagua 1 Lipa kwa Simu
  4. Chagua 1 Airtel or Weka Lipa Namba "14888889"
  5. Weka Kiasi:
  6. Weka PIN
M-Pesa Payment Instructions
Maelekezo ya Malipo - M-Pesa
  1. Dial *150*00#
  2. Select 5 for Pay via M-Pesa
  3. Select 1 for Pay via Phone
  4. Select 1 to Enter Payment Number "14888889"
  5. Select 3 for Airtel Money
  6. Enter Payment Number
  7. Enter Amount:
  8. Enter PIN
  1. Piga *150*00#
  2. Chagua 5 Lipa kwa M-Pesa
  3. Chagua 1 Lipa kwa Simu
  4. Chagua 1 Weka Lipa namba "14888889"
  5. Chagua 3 Airtel Money
  6. Weka Lipa namba
  7. Weka Kiasi:
  8. Weka Namba ya siri
TigoPesa Payment Instructions
Maelekezo ya Malipo - TigoPesa
  1. Dial *150*01#
  2. Select 5 for Pay via Phone
  3. Select 2 for TANQR
  4. Enter Payment Number "14888889"
  5. Enter Amount:
  6. Confirm Payment Name, then Enter PIN
  1. Piga *150*01#
  2. Chagua 5 Lipa kwa simu
  3. Chagua 2 TANQR
  4. Weka lipa namba "14888889"
  5. Weka Kiasi:
  6. Hakiki jina la lipa Kisha weka PIN
NMB Payment Instructions
Maelekezo ya Malipo - NMB
  1. Dial *150*66#
  2. Select 4 for Pay by Phone!
  3. Select 1 for Pay via TIPS
  4. Enter Payment Number "14888889"
  5. Enter Amount:
  6. Enter PIN
  1. Piga *150*66#
  2. Chagua 4 Lipa Mkononi!
  3. Chagua 1 Lipa kwa TIPS
  4. Weka Lipa Namba "14888889"
  5. Weka Kiasi:
  6. Weka PIN
CRDB Payment Instructions
Maelekezo ya Malipo - CRDB
  1. Dial *150*03#
  2. Select 6 for Pay Here
  3. Select 3 for TANQR
  4. Enter Payment Number "14888889"
  5. Enter Amount:
  6. Enter PIN
  1. Piga *150*03#
  2. Chagua 6 Lipa Hapa
  3. Chagua 3 TANQR
  4. Weka Lipa Namba "14888889"
  5. Weka Kiasi:
  6. Weka PIN